In our busy lives, it is easy to forget what really matters… What ‘little things’ can you do?
- Catch the bus to work/school/uni, remove your earphones and engage in a conversation with a stranger for the entire trip.
- Buy a bunch of flowers for someone you have seen around your community, who looks as though their day could use brightening.
- Smile and say hello as you are out walking.
- Call someone you love, and tell them.
- If there is someone in your life you do not like very much, get to know them, talk with them and find common ground (it’s always there if you search!)
- Act like a child. Breathe in the world around you like you are seeing it, experiencing it for the first time. Savour every magic moment!
- Take a trip to the ocean and marvel at its power and enormity.
- Take 10 minutes every day to just sit quietly. No thinking. Just be still.
- Talk to someone over 80 about their life, and what they have learned. Ask them what they think the most important thing in life is.
- Check in on all your friends. Make time to hear what is happening in their life. If they are close, do it in person. If they are far, speak on the phone or email.
- Leave noone unforgiven.
Oh, and how could I forget… Be grateful that you have the ability/opportunity to do these things!
Forgot to say Amanda, keep up the good work on this!
Thank you, Jim. I hope my thoughts are making even a small impact on whoever reads them.
I pray you’re well.